25 Spring
Elementary Wrestling

Registration: Jan 6
​$25 for Pre-K and Kindergarten
$35 for 1st-5th grade
includes t-shirt
Tournament/Travel costs are extra and are paid by the individual
Uniform: singlet is optional, shorts and T-shirt OK
T-shirt included
Divisions: Grades PreK-5th
Location: Hurricane High School Wrestling Room
Practice Day: Tuesday & Thursday
PreK ~ Tuesdays only 5:45-6:30 pm
Kindergarten ~ Thursday only 5:45 - 6:30 pm
1st & 2nd grade ~ 6:30 -7:15 pm
3rd-5th grade ~ 7:15-8:15 pm
​Practice Starts: Feb 4-March 20
(No Practice Spring Break March 11 &13)
Register for tournaments through trackwrestling.com
24-25 Winter
Jr High Wrestling

Registration: Sept 9
Late Registration:
Cost: $35 includes t-shirt
Tournament/Travel costs are extra and are paid by the individual
Uniform: singlet is optional, shorts and t-shirt ok
Divisions: Grades 5th-8th
Location: Hurricane High School Wrestling Room
Practice Day: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 5:45 pm-7:00 pm
Practice: Nov 5- Jan 23
(no practice during Thanksgiving and Christmas School Break)
Register for tournaments through trackwrestling.com
Join us in exploring the fundamentals of wrestling moves, including, take downs, escapes, shoots, sprawls and pins. Participants will learn sportsmanship, the importance of being a team player, and build confidence in themselves and their abilities in the sport of wrestling.